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The Neo-Centrism is a political ideology advogated by the Neo-Centrist International (NCI).

Neo-Centrist International
Political Union of Conservative and Christian-Democratic Parties all over the world
Chairman Anthony Reagan
Vice-Chairman D. Rafael I
General-Secretary Ferdinand I
Headquarters Iceland


2020: the Conservative Party of Great Britain wants to leave the International Democratic Union (IDU). Their chairman, David Cameron, demands for a "new policy with new solutions for the old problems: bureaucracy, deficit of security, awful educative sistem, etc." However, the chairman of IDU, Helmut Kohl doesn't want that change to happen. Conservative parties all over the world start supporting Cameron's rume. The NYC bomb atack gives Cameron the inconditional support of the Republican National Comitee (RNC). This powerful support changed minds of even more conservative countries in Malasia, Portugal and Gallaecia. Cameron had the support he needed to move.

In February of 2021, begins the 33th Congress of the IDU. Davis Cameron had 48% of the delegates, Helmut Kohl had 47% and there were 5% that were undefined. While the Congress was strarting, terrible news came from the USA. The North American War had begun. The delegates from


distribution of the delegates.

the USA, Spain and more 15 countries abandoned the Congress, that had to stop.

The Congress was finally made after the North American War, when the RNC was divided into two different parties: the Liberal Party-USA and the Conservative National Comitee (CNC). In the mean time, David Cameron had died (30th January 2022). The Conservative faction had now a new leader: Anthony Reagan, the 46th President of the United States of America.His speech in the Congress got famous. In the end of it, Helmut Kohl only had 20% of the delegates. However, the big change got when John Howard, former Prime-minister of Australia insulted the conservatives, saying they were "a bunch of nazis that wanted to take control of the IDU. After this words, the indignation: 76% of the delegates left the room, stoping the rest of the Congress and started a meeting in a hotel just on the other side of the street. They've decided there to create a new Inernational, the New-Centrist International (NCI). The Chairman of the NCI was chosen by unanimity: Anthony Peter William Baker Martin Reagan, the new President of the USA.

The Members[]

  • Conservative National Comitee (USA)
  • Conservative Party (UK)
  • Partido Popular (Portugal)
  • Partido Conservador (España)
  • Christlich Demokratische Union (Deutschalnd)
  • Partidul National Liberal (Romania)
  • Преимущество нового центра - Россия (Russia)
  • 民主黨全國黨 (China)
  • 민주 국민당 (Souh Korea)
  • Democratic National Party (Finland)
  • Conservative Alternative (Latvia)
  • New Rume (UK)
  • Conservative Party (South Africa)
  • Anti-Communist Front (Cyprus)
  • Re-join our Nation (Texas/Hawaii/California/Alaska)
  • New Begining (Taiwan)
  • Likud (Israel)
  • People's Party of Sealand


The New-Centrist International advocates Democracy, Liberty and Freedom.

Our parties base their propositions in Christian-Democracy, Conservatism, Traditionalism but, most of all, Patriotism. We believe in God. We defend life since the conseption until the natural death. We stand for the family and for our traditions.

We support farmers, fishers, hunters, teachers, police officers, fire fighters and judges. We support the traditional commerce, the authority of judges, police and teachers and the little companies.